The Police Pay Cuts The Government Intends To Save...
by making the second reduction, foreshadowed a year ago, in the pay of the police. The ordinary constable, from November 1st, will thus lose another 4s. 3d. per week. The......
Sir Walter Layton And The Cabinet.
Sir Walter Layton's resignation of his position as British member of the Preparatory Committee for the World Economic Conference leaves a vacancy which no one who may be......
The Means Test .
In the House of Commons last week the Minister of Labour stated that according to the estimate of his Ministry the Means Test, or as it is now being rather more happily termed......
" Punch's " New Editor Right-minded Persons, Properly...
the reputa- tion of established institutions, will learn with unfeigned satisfaction of the appointment of Mr. E. V. Knox to the editorship of Punch. Under Mr. Punch's aegis "......
Mr. Norman's Caution When The Governor Of The Bank Of
England, speaking at the Mansion House last week, expressed his inability to see the end of the world-wide depression, his speech caused something of a panic on the -New York......
" The Government Thus Had, In Mr. Maxton's Words, A
`happy day' and were not called upon for any fuller explanation even of the proposed changes in the Means Test. These changes will probably be confined to a larger allowance......
Parliament At Work Our Parliamentary Correspondent Writes...
vote of censure debate in the House of Commons on Tuesday was a surprising affair. Originally intended by the Opposition to be an attack on the ' Means Test,' it developed into......
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