29 NOVEMBER 1969, page 33

Biafra: The Lie Direct

Sir: The isVgeriai Biafra war has not been seen in its true perspective as regards the Western Ibos. It is commonly argued in Lagos and echoed by General Gowon's sup- porters......

On Growing A Moustache

Sir: Referring to the four paragraphs concerned with myself in Mr Al!sop's Personal column' (15 November) I feel bound to cry: 'Come off it, Al!sop! Chuck it. Ken!' If you......

A Serious Ting

Sir: In writing that Arnold told Clough that 'Amours de Voyage' was not 'beautiful' enough, Mr Martin Seymour-Smith (15 November) inflates different comments by Arnold. In 1853......

Swinging Together

Sir: Mr Hollis (Letters, 8 November) in reply to my letter (I November) implies that the fact that man tends to make evil choices more often than good (which I do not deny) is......

Dire Threat

Sir: Laurence Martin's review of The Corning War Between Russia and China (22 November) by Harrison Salisbury is likely to provoke some interesting wisecracks about history......