29 JULY 1876, page 22

The Boudoir Shakespeare : Cymbeline And The Merchant Of...

(Sampson Low end Co.)—The primary object of this series is to supply a handy book, with clear type for reading aloud. As it is an expos,- gated edition, it will be useful to put......

Gilmory. 3 Vols. By Pho3be Allen. (s. Tinsley.)—it Is...

to say whether, in three-volume novels of this sort, it is more pro- voking or consolatory to find big print, much "fat," and a fresh para- graph for nearly every sentence. The......

Lindores Abbey, And Its Burgh Of Newburgh. By Alexander...

(Edmonston and Douglas.)—Mr. Laing begins ab eve. "Prehistoric Times," "The Roman Invasion," "Celt and Teuton," "Pagan Re- ligions," dm., are discussed in successive chapters.......

Lloyd's And Marine Insurance.*

IT is to some extent a matter of wonder that no previous attempt has been made to give a popular account of Marine Insurance in this country, and of that great commercial body......

Current Literature.

The Unseen World, and other Essays. By John Fiske, MA. (James Osgood and Co., Boston, U.S.)—According to the author of this work, the conflict between religion and science ought......

Through Storm And Sunshine. By Aden. (henry S. King And

Co.).— We can forgive a poet for being most melancholy, if we also find him most musical. Adon is far from being musical ; he gives us plenty of storm and no sunshine ; his......