I To Mb Editor Of Tim"spectator."] Sir,—will You Allow Me
to make one or two remarks anent your article under the above heading ? You say that Dr. Goodwin was " extremely remiss in not appending to his stern disappro- bation of Mr.......
Mr. Kennedy And The Bishop Of Carltsle
[TO THY EDITOR OP TH1 " SPICTATOIL."] SIR,—The vehement rhetoric of Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Tuckwell, and Mr. Evans makes it easy to condemn them, and yet pass by without an answer the......
Letters To The Editor.
HOME-RULE IN IRELAND. ITO THE EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOH."] `Sin,—Yon were formerly willing to publish letters strongly opposed to your own views, being celebrated for your......
Mr. Chamberlain And Disestablishme.nt.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " Syscrseroz."] think you must have overlooked, amidst the mass of reading matter which no doubt comes under your notice, a letter from Mr. Chamberlain to......