The One Fair Woman. By Joaquin Miller. 3 Vols. (chapman
and Hall.)—This is a very strange book. It reminds us, in a way, of Hans Andersen's " Improvisatore." Its greatest charm, indeed, lies in the same quality which is......
Cookery For Invalids. By Mary Hooper. (henry S. Bing And
Ca.)— This age certainly believes in "kitchen-physic." The faith is at least as rational as any that it displaces, and beyond question, more com- fortable. Miss Hooper is justly......
Tiiornwell Abbas.*
THIS clever book raises once more the difficult question as to the use of the supernatural in modern fiction. Within what limits is it fairly permissible to authors who aim at......
The Religion Of Our Literature. By George Mecrie. (hodder...
Stoughton.) — Mr. McCrie holds that "a Calvinistk poet" is the "great desideratum of the age." And he tells us what this poet is to do. "The Cross, Calvinistically viewed, where......
Current Literature.
Lays front Latin Lyrics. By F. H. Hummel and A. A. Brodribb. (Longmans.)—This is a volume of translations, or rather, we should say, of paraphrases, executed with taste and......