A Sensation Has Been Created In The Money-market This Week
by the appearance of a new description of American Securities. In consequence of' the extreme difficulty of procuring unexception- able bills of exchange to remit to England,......
The French Papers Are Chiefly Occupied With Discussions...
The French papers are chiefly occupied with discussions in the Chamber of Deputies on the African question, as it is called, the additional allowance to the Duke of Orleans in......
Proofs Of The Contentment Which Ministers Assured The...
Commons was prevalent in all parts of our North American Colo- nies, except Lower Canada, may be gathered from almost every colonial newspaper that reaches this country. The......
Fechatrd Mat Lerotrebingiin Partiment. Irish Municipal...
In the House of Peers, on Tuesday, Lord MELBOURNE moved tint the portion of the King's Speech which related to Ireland should be read by the Clerk. This having been done, Lord......
The News From Spain Is Scanty. Don Sebastian And That-
BARREN are said to be in motion, the former towards the South, the latter watching him. It is the general impression in Bayonne, that the Legion will be disbanded, with the......