[to The Editor Or The "spectator."] Sru,--you May Be...
in the subjoined extract from a letter lately received from Eastern Bengal, the original seat, as you know, of the present trouble in India, where feeling still runs strong :—......
[to Tun Editor Op Tdb "spectator:1 Sir,—the Entertaining...
by Sir Godfrey Lagden in your issue of September 21st as an example of "Cape Boy" English is an old friend in a new guise. The last time I saw it it purported to have been......
Rite Tag Estwol Bp Tag Ii §ptetawift...j Sin,—as An...
On leave, I take leave to warn you that many of the so-called specimens of ,"Baboo English" one comes across are "faked " ; are, in fact, imitations of tlit natural product by......
Baboo English.
rro TO* Eonetz 07 THE " SPECTATOR."] Si,—What Sir William Markby says in your last issue of the Etiglish attainments of the young Indians who passed nto the Indian Civil Service......
The Waste Op Daylight.
LTO TIM EDITOR OF TIM "SPROTATOR.1 think too much may be made of the difficulty of adjusting railway time-tables to the alterations of the clock proposed in Mr. Willett's......