The English Press Has Been Looking So Exclusively At The
work- ing of the Ballot in the Pontefract and Preston elections, that it has missed for the most part a much more instructive experiment, —the first trial of the Ballot in......
M. About Has Been Discharged, And Has Pointed Out To
his German judge that the result of his imprisonment will be to give an enormously increased circulation to his forthcoming book, to put money in his pocket, to make his......
There Has Been A Rumour This Week That Count D'arnim,
the German Ambassador at Paris, had complained so bitterly of his treatment in French society, that Prince Bismarck had decided on the suppression of the Embassy as soon as the......
Herr Gasser's Ultramontane Ministry For Bavaria Has...
and Herr Pfretschner has been definitely entrusted with the formation of a new Ministry. The Bavarians are genuinely canny in making it so difficult to form a professedly......
There Seems Very Little Doubt That Our Government Is Really
and gravely considerin g the proposal for a new commercial Treaty with France on the basis of a favoured-nation clause, the aban- donment of the differential duties against En......
Count Andrassy Has Declared To The Financial Committee Of...
Austrian delegation at Pesth that the political aim of the Govern- ment is the preservation of peace ; that this was its aim in assent- ing to the Imperial meeting ; and that......
The Bakers' Strike Has Begun In London, But London Does
not appear as yet to have much visible difficulty in getting its bread. The strike affects only those firms which stand out against the four- to-four system, and though they are......
The Agricultural Labourer Has Been The Jezoze Premier Of The
long- vacation meetings, and while sometimes coaxed and sometimes. scolded by the Liberal or Conservative mentor of the occasion, has almost always been exhorted to avoid all......
Among The Other Gems Of Mr. Cavendish Bentinck's Speech Last
week at Penrith, was this brilliant outburst against the House of Commons. The Committee of the Penrith Agricultural Society, he said, "had done perfectly right in putting the......
Mr. Stansfeld Made One Of His Pleasing Speeches At Halifax
on Tuesday , but avoided saying much in which also he has a great tact. He enumerated the really great achievements of Mr. Gladstone's Administration, pointed out how much party......