Fine Arts.
EXHIBITION OF ART UNION PRIZES. THE gratuitous exhibition of the pictures chosen by the prizeholders of the London Art Union draws such crowds to the rooms in Suffolk Street......
The Proteoscope And Physioscope.
THESE are the titles of two ingenious adaptations of the powers of the Opaque Microscope, that vary the optical illusions exhibited in the theatre of the Polytechnic......
Parish Patronage Of Painting.
" Panto:is wanted" was the cry of the artists a little while ago—a cry BO loudly and so lugubriously reiterated that one would have supposed there had been a galaxy of genius......
Publications Received,
From September 201h to September 26th. Boox.S. Geology, Introductory, Descriptive, and Practical. By DAVID Tnoatas ANSTED, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, Pro-......