The Queen Dowager Continues In Excellent Health, At...
An express was received there on Saturday night front Buckingham Palace. It is understood her Majesty will come to town in a few days to visit the Queen. with the intelligence......
Some Sensation Was Created In The City On Monday Morning,
by the announcement that Messrs. Wright and Co., the Catholic bankers, of Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, had. stopped payment. They had extensive connexions in Ireland and on......
An Inquest Was Held On Tuesday On The Body Of
Thomas Wadeson, who died in St. Georee'e Hospital on nmaay. in consequence of in- juries received on the 21st of last month, when guiding, Sir George Cayley's steam-carriage in......
Zbe Itletropotis.
Meetings of the Court of Common Council and the Court of Alder- men were held on Monday and Tuesday, for the purpose of agreeing to addresses of congratulation to the Queen, to......
In The Rolls Court, On Saturday, The Ease Of The
' Wimborn Minster Grammar School, which had been previously argued, was brought to a close. The object of the information which had been obtained against the Governors was to......