A Prince Comes West
Brought Up in England. By Prince Chula of Thailand. (Foulis. ars.) THERE is an engaging Young Visiters' like quality about much of this book. " The first time there was a......
• The German Problem
Need Germany Survive ? By Julius Braunthal. With an Introduotion by Harold J. Laski. (Gollancz. 75. 6d.) HERR BRAUNTHAL has written two books, one candid, intelligent, valuable,......
News From Norway
The Mountains Wait. By Theodor l3rOch. .(Joseph. ros. 6d.) THE chairman of the Narvik U.D.C.—the title of Mayor, which appears on Op title-page, suggests a more traditional......
A Cautionary Tale For Statesmen
WAR technique changes quicker than the rhythm of peace. An after-dinner platitude will serve politicians for a century, where the same stratagem is scarcely good for half a......