28 MAY 1927, page 18

The Proposed Gaelic University For The Highlands

[To the. Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,--I have read with interest most of what has been written and spoken on the above-mentioned subject both in Scotland and in England, and,......

Familiar Misquotations

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—No misquotation in my experience is so frequent as that of Pope's comparison of creed and conduct. We often find it put thus :- " For......

Egg-laying Records [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...

those who have read the " Country Life and Sport " notes in your issue of April 23rd, it, may be of interest to know that the feat of a Canadian hen, mentioned therein, was some......

Bromley College

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In 1666 John Warner, Bishop of Rochester, founded Bromley College in Kent for the reception of necessitous widows and daughters of the......


A Scots Version A wEE fond lambkin Mary had, Its fleece a snawdrift pure, An' ilka airt that Mary gaed There gaed the lamb demure, An' faithfu' to her liltin' step The Dame......