Sir Henry Segrave
[For the benefit of some of our readers we offer the following rendering of the Greek couplet which we published last week.] Lutz an arrow he flew o'er lake and land ; Yet......
Mr. Neil Grant's Comedy, At The St: Martin's, Has The
bright harmony, the coherence and compactness, that Mr. Sherriff's Jacks. It is a most amusing little play, recounting the olI tale of a woman's dishonest talent for shouldering......
The Cockerel Knells
LISTEN! These little cockerels That ring from hill to hill like bells, In spring when violets sweeten the grass— What they say will come to pass. What do they say, what do they......
[THE INEPT POLITICIAN.] IT is a commonplace of criticism to remark that had a great composer not revealed his genius in his music, he most cer- tainly would be remembered as a......
The Cinema
[ALL QUIET ON THE WEbTERN FRONT. AT THE ALHAMBRA AND REGAL CINEMAS.] PERHAPS owing to having read as many War books as I could digest, or for some other indefinable reason, I......