Decrease Op Cottages.—the Subjoined Remarks Are Suggested...
in our last paper to the overcrowding of towns : it will be seen bow strongly the writer, a man of observant mind, confirms the further remarks in our present number. "In all......
PALIN'S HTSTORY OF THE CHURCH o r ENGLAND. * TirE object of this work is to complete the history of the English Church from the Revolution, where Burnet and Bishop Short, with......
James North.
" I WILL " : the words will live in the memory of the people of Bedminster. The effect of the lesson conveyed by the devetion and hardihood of James North will be increased by......
The Exposition Surplus.
" WHAM shall be done with the surplus of the Crystal Palace ? " is a question now agitated in such a manner as to promise a clear and pleasant reply from all concerned, public......
Jotee Per—whit Is It?
How can you tell the way to pronounce a strange name correctly, unless it be clearly written ? how can you make out the spelling, unless the handwriting be perfectly......