Zionism And The Holocaust
From Farrel Lifson Sir: I read Geoffrey Wheatcroft's 'The Jewish answer?' (14/21 December) with great interest. Mr Wheatcroft goes into great detail to document Jewish secular......
From Dr Azzam Tamimi
Sir: I commend Geoffrey Wheatcroft for his courage and well-informed position. However, I would like to draw his attention to a missing factor in his piece — namely the other......
Ode To The Euro-schmucks
From Mr Herb Greer Sir: As an American living in England. I should like to offer your readers my Ode to the Guardian, the Independent, the Daily Mirror and certain schmucks here......
Priapic Postscript
From Mr John Clay Sir: There is more to add to James Delingpole's review of David M. Friedman's A Mind of Its Own (Books, 14/21 December). The glossist to Horace's Satires tells......
Rowan, Theologian
From The Revd Edmund Newey Sir: I was sorry to find Gerald Warner ('Is the Pope a Catholic?'. 14/21 December) treating the new Archbishop of Canterbury as a heresiarch. What......