In Despair The Cry Is Going Up For A Dictator
or for a Welfare Board. This is the price London is paying for years of negligence, for tolerating such expensive luxuries as the Metropolitan Water Board, with its vast......
The Post Office's Lapse
The performance of the Post Office, which is usually so good, has in the last fortnight been so unbelievably bad that it is reasonable as well as charitable to believe that......
What Applies To London Is Not Very Different From Similar
problems in Wales, Lancashire, South-West Scotland and else- where. Those who are trying to think out post-war problems, such as Lord Balfour of Burleigh's Committee, will find......
I Suggest One Or Two Relevant Questions. What Is The
real function of a Ministerial Head of a Department? Is the poli- tical life a suitable training for such .office? If so, why are Sir Andrew Duncan and Lord Woolton conspicuous......
The Australian Elections
The Australian General Election (the final results of which are not to hand as we write) confirms Mr. Menzies and his coalition Government in power, but with something less than......
Parliamentary Notes
Our Parliamentary correspondent writes : As I have pointed out before in this column, the War is throwing a searchlight on the whole mechanism of Government, central and local ;......
Sound Finance In War-time
When the layman contemplates our apparently illimitable expenditure on armaments and the destruction of property by enemy action he is naturally inclined to think that the end......