Embattled Biographers
From Mr J.D.F. Jones Sir: Christopher Booker's hilariously personal abuse of me for my recent biography of Sir Laurens van der Post (Books, 20 October) would be more......
Moore Or Less Liberal
From Mr John Maples, MP Sir: How fascinating to read Charles Moore's Diary (20 October), and particularly the selfcongratulatory tone of his tolerant and broadminded reaction to......
Bookworms Are Us
From Alexandra Lee Sir: Not all booksellers are party to the racketeering that Chris Lewis describes ('Cooking the books', 20 October). We have a 'Staff Recommends' section at......
Borrowed From Turkey
From Duncan Blake, OBE Sir: On reading the report from Blackpool by Bruce Anderson (Politics, 13 October), I was delighted to note that the `soundbite' of the Tory conference......
Holiday Non-reading
From Mr Andrew Macdonald Sir: As someone who shares Stephen Glover's views about the conflict in Afghanistan, I must take issue with his analysis of the newspaper circulation......