27 NOVEMBER 1976, page 18

A Family At War

Sir: If Mr Pryce-Jones wishes to establish a reputation for accuracy, could he, instead of hitting little tennis balls at me, answer the following questions which I politely ask......

Not Acquainted

Sir: I am puzzled by Mr Christopher Booker's quotation from Evelyn Waugh's Diaries, where Professor J. K. Galbraith is apparently described as 'an ungainly and deeply garrulous......


Sir: The Opposition's efforts to frustrate controversial government action for which there is no mandate are laudable, but the filibuster action by three or four Conservative......

Labour Value

Sir: If, as the context suggests, Stuart Holland (16 October) is referring to Marx's Labour Theory of Value, the passage in which he states that profits result from labour......

Crime On High

Sir: W. A. C. Harvey, in his fury at the honours conferred on those principally responsible for Britain's involvement in the Suez episode (Spectator, 13 November), states, inter......

Stay Here!

Sir: This country's position today is no t dissimilar to those years when we Wer e fighting a more sensational, a more physical , war, but with the same ultimate objectiv e of......