The King In South Wales
[To the Editor of THE Sewr.vroa.] S1R,—The gracious visit of His Majesty King Edward the Eighth to the distressed areas will never be forgotten by their inhabitants. He came to......
[to The Editor Of The Spec-raton.] Sir, —your Reviewer's...
my book The Alternative to War is a misrepresentation so complete that I am compelled immediately to challenge it. He writes : " He (that is the author) believes that the......
Peace In Our Time
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] am most grateful to you for giving space to a review of my. Alternative to Rearmament.- But in the -review there is a remark against which I......
The Arabs And The British Empire [to The Editor Of
THE SPECTATOR.] Sm,—Miss Blyth's story was derogatory to the British officer and the Jews who were made to figure in it ; her insistence on having it accepted while she shirks......
Mr. Yeats's Anthology
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,-- It is to be hoped that a review with the great tradition of The Spectator will not allow the appearance of The Oxford Book of Modern......
Religious Teaching
]To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sla,—Sir Arnold Wilson in his article on Religion in your issue of November 20th says :- " As individuals we may tolerate those who seek......
The Clergy, The Articles And The Truth
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] am grateful for the manner, but not at all for the matter, of Dr. Mozley's contention that there is nothing dishonest in expressing assent to......
Steel Plant In Cardiff
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sza.—In your issue dated November 13th there is an article entitled " Can South Wales be Saved ?-1. First Impres- sions " by H. Powys......