27 NOVEMBER 1886, page 3

The Accounts Of The Rising In Afghanistan Are, We Suspect,

-exaggerated, as the Government of India has full means of knowing what passes there. That the Ghilzais have risen against the Ameer is likely enough, as also that they charge......

The Passion For Inoculation As A Safeguard Against All Sorts

of diseases is certainly on the increase, but we doubt whether the evidence be, on the whole, favourable to that kind of safeguard. In a recent case in Cumberland, forty-nine......

The News Of The Week From Burmah Is Indecisive, And

will for some time remain so. General Roberts has to occupy a great number of points—perhaps two hundred in all—disarm the people, and place military police in charge. The......

Rumours Are Circulating In London Of An Intention On The

part of Government to "put down" the new anti-rent agitation in Ireland, to use military force in support of evictions, and to arrest the ringleaders. It is possible that the......

The Fifteen New York Aldermen Accused Of Taking Bribes For

-granting concessions of city railways seem likely to escape penal servitude. Two of them are under trial, and two of their 'confederates have testified that they received......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent. Consols Were On Friday 102

to 102k.......

The Americans Are Building A New Ship, Which Will, Its

designers fancy, make a revolution in the art of naval warfare. It is in itself only a steel cruiser, of 3,200 horse-power, and a speed of twenty knots an hour ; but it is to......

On Friday Week, A Meeting Was Held At The Rooms

of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to reconsider and decide on the scheme presented by Miss Linde to a meeting at the same place held on May 10th, for......

The Correspondent Of The Times At Rome Urges That The

idea of opening diplomatic relations between England and the Vatican mast be given up, because it would displease the Government of Italy. That Government follows public......