27 MARCH 1953, page 22

Country Life

WE came through the village slowly and quietly, Impressed with the sleepiness of the place. A ewe and her lamb came down a side-street. A second ewe wandered along the middle of......

Frog Nuisance

Why do frogs select a particular pond for spawning and avoid others ? Do the water and mud contain weed or some special ingredient that makes them particularly suitable for the......

A Dish Of Puffballs

A correspondent in America, writing to me about the reluctance of people in this country to eat our native funguses other than the mush- room expresses surprise that puffballs......

Peaches And Nectarines

A lime-sulphur spray should be given to prevent leaf curl on peaches, nectarines and almonds. It will soon be time to disbud peaches and nectarines, and the process should be a......

Village Policemen

The good old-fashioned village policeman had to be an exceptional man. He was slow and red-faced and perhaps not over-alert, but he maintained law and order in his own way,......