27 MARCH 1936, page 14

Farewell To Frau Bornstein

By GEORGE SOLOVEYTCHIK T HE other day I saw in a paper that:the profession of private marriage-broker is henceforward to be prohibited in Germany and that the State will hence-......


IT was not thus we fought, nor in this city, With the ear-lines and the houses twisted, And the entrails of the factory smouldering : It was not here. These bodies are not ours,......

Marginal Comments

By ROSE MACAULAY attendant beam of spot-light (mauve). Between massed ranks of his frenzied approvers, the Leader proceeded up the hall to the platform, wearing an air of......


Two Poems DESOLATE are the fields of standing corn, Lonely the twilit hills, and broken The oaken lintel ; Hushed are the harrying angels. Silent, their vanguard halts : There......