27 DECEMBER 1930, page 13

Whitewashed Vermin.

It is a welcome sign of the times—of the coining of a humaner wisdom—that the characters of all sorts of vermin are being whitewashed, even in quarters where sport is the first......

Curious Anomalies, That Displease Many Sportsmen, Are To...

here and there. The loudest and most continuous bombardment that I have heard this year proceeded not from any guests at the Great House but from a posse of keepers. They are......

In Very Many Places The Shooting Syndicates Arc A By-word.

There is no objection to a syndicate as such. It is the natural method of approach to sport for men who are not overburdened with money ; and there are many admirable syndicates......

As An Example I May Give An Extract From A

letter from a country rectory that is situated in a district almost unknown to me :— " I hope you will not let this matter, this ' slur on English sport' drop. All that you say......

Customs That Are The Very Negation Of British Sport Are

becoming established even in Scotland. Gangs of alleged sportsmen, who have no love of the place or knowledge of its ways, take a moor on the understanding that everything is......

A Village Domesday Book.

Mr. Maxwell and others in association with Community Councils are persuading Kent schoolchildren to make village surveys. It is 800 years since the first, and best, of these was......

A Delightful Maxim Was Quoted The Other Day In The

Field. It represented the advice of an old and old-fashioned sportsmen to a beginner. " First shoot what you want to give away. 'then what you want to eat. Then stop." It......

A Village H. Q.

One of the villages that most fruitfully co-operated was the tiny hamlet of Idbury, which is on the way to become a sort of headquarters of what is called " rural bias." In its......

Country Life

SLUR ON SPORT. A number of letters reach me—some of them from ardent Sportsmen—urging that public opinion should be organized against such abnormal indulgences in killing birds......