26 MAY 1928, page 25

The Promised Land. Ladislas Reymont.

(Knopf.. 2 vols. 15s.)—The little town of Lodz in Poland is being industrialized; cotton factories arc being built, amalgamations are taking' place, there' are trade rivalries......

The Montforts. By Martin Mills. (constable. 7s. 6d.)—a...

and entertaining example of the family history kind of noyel. This- particular family, descended from the historic Simon to begin with, has been enlivened about a hundred and......


CRANMER PAUL.' By Rolf Bennett. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d.)—This is an unflinching portrait of an unusual type. There is power in Cmiimer Paul, first Mate on 'a cargo boat, but neither......

Dim Star. By Hannah Yates. (collins. 7s. 6d.)the Author...

the late 'nineties of the eighteenth century as the period for this novel. - Many of the War difficulties of that day and the devices by which. they are evaded are strangely......

Rich Man, Poor Man. By Hulbert Footner. "(faber And Gwyer.

7s. 6d.)—This is a grim story of the development of two opposed types, and their failure and success in New York City: Wilfred Pell belongs to a fairly well-to-do family ; but......

An Exquisite Miniature

Mary Cholmondeley : a Sketch from Memory. By Percy . Lubbock. (Cape. 3a. 6d.) Tins .is an elegiac portrait, painted in sombre tones, by a -hand whose skill is heightened by the......

. Claire Ambler. By Booth Tarkington. (heinemann. 7.s....

glimpses Mr. Tarkington reveals the development of a spoilt little Arilerican beauty. We see. her first as a pretty young flapper 'coolly and Cruelly trying her charm on various......