Earl Grey Has Declared Himself Favourable To The...
nation of the Apprenticeship —Leeds Mercury. The averaion of the Whigs to patronage and jobbing is known to all the world; and we are therefore stterly at a loss to accoaa for......
Bc Countril.
The Gloucester election terminated on Tuesday, as we anticipated, in the return of Mr. Hope ; whose majwity over his opponent, Colonel Webb, was 666 to 379. It is said that Mr.......
Th E Directors Of The East India Company Have Just Ordered
their museum to be opened to the public every Suturday, from eleven to three, free, and without tickets. Yesterday, at a meeting of the parishioners of Lambeth, a church- te of......
The most interestiug events of the week are the arrivals of the Sirius amid the Great Wt stein steam-ellipe, alter a successful navigation of the Atlantic. 'Fbe Sirius reached......
Sc( 111...1n1).
The Illeei:ng ill Glasgow to petition for Universal Suffrage, and its coacemitatas, was held on IlIonthay last. '1 he trades marched in procession to the Green. The weather was......
The British ( - Owen, An Immense Steam-ship, Intended To...
passeimers between London and New York, was launched oil Thursday, Innis the dockyard of Messrs. Curling, Young, and Ca, the builders, at Limehouse. She belongs to the British......
Private letters and tha Weterford pnpars contain ecco nts of multi- tudinous meetings in the counties of Kilkenny and Wexfurd, upon the longeagituted question of Tithes. These......