Minority Rights
At first sight there may be some sympathy with Mr. thimond's complaint that only one Liberal member has been selected to serve on the Scottish Standing Committee to discuss the......
The Gas Men
'Gas,' as everybody knew and as everybody has repeated, is a very emotive word, 'napalm' slightly less so. Napalm, as anyone who reads the news - papers must have known, has......
The Great Man
From MURRAY KEMPTON NEW YORK T 0 1 -9 1-1E National Association of Broadcasters still gathers every spring in Washington, even though the ceremony is less pleasant than it used......
Commercial Break
One swallow of course does not make a spring election. All the same the results of two countY council elections last Saturday at Potters Bar In my constituency are an......
Quite An Assumption Mr. Crossman Has Evidently Firmly...
the plea made in the Milner Holland report for an end to the treatment of London's housing prob- lems as 'the sport of political prejudice.' He has, for example, rejected that......
Spectator's Notebook
j WYNNE WALTERS had already looked twice at his watch. The Scots (clearly the better side throughout the match) were swarming near the English line. I was saying suitable things......
Strange Priority
Denis Howell, Minister responsible for Sport, was at the match. He was telling me something of the plans for staging next year's World Cup. The main arena, naturally enough, is......