The Commencement Of The Umritsur And Moult.= Railway By Sir
John Lawrence is an event of more importance to India than Lord Ellenborough's suritr . - y cur financial position : at a new point, the great inn network which 4 ^ bind our......
Elthattfi Nut Vrtarrnig5 Ill Vartiamrut.
PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. Douse or Loans. Monday, March 21. Grand Juries ; the Lord Chancellor's Bill committed—Mutiny Bills committed—County Courts Bill read a second......
Ihe Appeal Of The Reverend Alfred Poole From The Bishop
of London, who had dismissed him from the curacy of St. Bar- nabas, to the Archbishop of Canterbury has resulted in a con- firmation of the original sentence ; but, it appears......
The Proposal To Hold A Congress Is Placed Beyond A
doubt so far as the acceptance of all the Five Powers is concerned ; and we are now in a position to explain the uncertainty which has prevailed for some days subsequently. In......