26 JANUARY 1929, page 22

Fair Play For Women

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIB,—No one can deny the difference in the size of the field now open to women, compared to that of the middle of the last century, but the......

The Blackbird's Warning

[To the Editor of the Spzeraroa.] SIR,—It may interest your correspondent in the Spectator of January 19th that a sparrow-hawk roosted every night for over two months last......


The Hope of a Caged Lark (To M. A.) ONCE I sprang from emerald grass Straight to a sapphire sky. Now am I caged ; My feet are on a mournful turf, My head's pressed near a board,......

Points From Letters A Statesman And A Mountain.

In reference to Mr. Bassett Digby's interesting article, Names That Live On," in your issue of November 10th, perhaps it might be noteworthy that among the group of mountains......

A Hundred Years Ago

TEE " SrscreToa," JAN - timer 24Tir, 1829. THE LARGEST NEWSPAPER. The Times of last Monday surprised its readers by appearing on their breakfast-tables in a sheet of paper......