The Nhs In Action
S ir: I have just read Alexander Chancellor's a ccount of his unfortunate brush with the National Health Service and it would be i nteresting to know why my story is so very d......
The Right To Life
T , L agree with Colin Brewer (5 August) mat if the IUD is conclusively proved to be abortifacient rather than contraceptive it Ivshhooulsdeebk o e to condemned by . all T r......
Germaine's German
Sir: Reference Germaine Greer's article `Cheechee and bandicoot' the past participle of the German verb 'be ten' (to pray) is `gebetet' , 1) beten, betete, gebetet — to pray. 2)......
Natural Prejudice
Sir: That, as he writes, Mr Richard Ingrams has a prejudice against homosexuals (almost certainly learned rather than 'natural') must long have been evident to readers of......
Bhutto's Trial
Sir: 1 see from her letter to you (11 August) that Miss Victoria Schofield, who contributed an article only a fortnight earlier to your columns on the subject of Mr Bhutto's......
Information, Please
Sir: I have been asked to edit a volume of paintings and drawings by my mother, Sylvia Pankhurst, and would be grateful to hear from any reader owning or knowing the whereabouts......