So Stepped In Blood
SIR,—Thank you for printing the letter from John Robinson (August 19). One has often wondered what the mentally-underprivileged audience of the Royal Court would make of......
Sir, As I Told You, Bea Does Have A Chief
Public Relations Officer: Mr William Simpson has at last given tongue—if this is not too strong a phrase for so feeble a squeak as his belated letter to you. As I told you would......
Snap Plom For Piccadilly
SIR, —It was pleasing to read in your pages on August 12 Terence Bendixson's views on increasing the traffic capacity at Piccadilly Circus. Surely it is time that the road......
Force Of Circumstance
SCULPTURE By BRYAN ROBERTSON David Smith was not, of course, a force of nature. He loved landscape, the wilder the better, but kept it firmly in its place and mostly enjoyed it......
Sir,-1 Never Understand Why Bea—or Any Other Airline...
fails to perform what can reasonably be expected of it—does not admit its fault and return ex gratis to the passenger a suitable part of the fare paid. This practice, among its......
A Beastly Journey
SIR,—My son, Maurice Lippens, is on holiday in Yugoslavia. and so I have the opportunity of reading the SPECTATOR first. I should be doing a lot of other things, but I feel so......