26 APRIL 1957, page 14

Sta,—mr. Hollis Assures Us That Proof Of The Resur- Rection

does not rest on a belief in the Gospels. He asks how any other story fits the facts. The question then arises, what facts? Mr. Hollis replies: the Appearances and the Empty......

Qat Sir,—in Her Letter Which Appeared In Your Issue Dated

April 19, Miss Helen Cochrane has not got her facts quite right. The campaign against qat in Aden is being con- ducted mostly by young Aden-born Muslim Arabs who realise what an......

99 Gower Street, London, W.c.1

Euston 3221......

Easter Morning

SIR,' —Mr. Christopher Hollis began his account of 'Easter Morning' by saying, 'We must consider the story of the Resurrection on its independent merits and quite as objectively......

Letters To The Editor

Doctors' Pay Angry Old.Practitioner Easter Morning Surgeon, Marjorie Strachey Hungarian Writers Paul Ignotus Qat Sir Gerald Reece 'The Brain-Washers' Ilcra, Prof. H. J. Eysenck......

Hungarian Writers

SIR,—May I draw your attention to the pligbt of the Hungarian writers who have put up so valiant a fight for the liberty of their own people and the mainten- ance of its links......