To The Editor Of The Spectator.
14, Chandos Street, West Strand. SRI April 1834. SIR—Having given insertion to a letter from Mr. ROBERT CitnIKSHANK, on the subject of a work which I am now publishing......
Theatrical Novelties.
THERE is but little news in the theatrical world. Busisis Lottery scheme was forbidden, it is given out, by some great authority— no less a one than public decency, we suspect.......
The Public Will Scarcely Credit The Fact, That The Public
Records which were removed from the temporary sheds in Westminster Hall to the Kings Mews are still huddled together in what remains standing of that building; and that though......
Spec 1 At0r's Library.
Tacoma v. An Argument to prove the Truth of the Christian Revelation. By the Earl of Rome. Murray. BuBTRY, India; a Poem. in three Cantos. By a Young Civilian of Bengal......
Rosse On The Christian Revelation.
THIS volume is touchingly dedicated to the memory of a beloved sari. Its subject was studied during the long period of affliction consequent upon his loss; and its nature was......