The Yore Musical Festivals.
Sra—In the report of the Leeds Musical Festival, contained in your last number, it is said that the York Musical Festival "was crushed long since by the interference of clerical......
WINTER'S SIX MONTHS IN BRITISH BURMAII. * IF " the eye can only see what it brings the power of seeing," still more true is it that a man can only observe what the charac- ter......
Fetus 1 T4t Clan
ABOLITION Or CHIJRCIi-ItATES. September 21st, 1858. Sni — If I understand aright the drift of a "Political Dissenter's" letter published in your last, he honestly admits, and I......
Mr. Hf.nry Warburton, Once So Prominent Among The Whig...
in Parliament, died on the 16th, in his 74th year. He was the son of a Lon- don merchant engaged in the Baltic trade. Educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge, he entered......