Conservative View Of Tiie Press, In Interests And Duty.
STANDARD—The schism between the Lords Brougham and Durham has txtended to the Weekly Press; and we are sorry to see the two most able menu- hers of that department of our order......
Cipiniand Of Ok Vrr.
LORD BROUGHAM'S POSITION Wall IllS COLLEAGUES. TIMES—It is a received maxim that the acknowledgment of a fault is half way to the correction ; and it is certain that where there......
Births, Marriages, And Den'i'hs.
On the 11th inst., at Rosana, in the county of Wicklow, the Lady of DANIEL num Esq., of a daughter. On the IMIt inst., at Menested Lodge. Hants, Ltulv CATHERINE BUCKLEY, of a......
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We were correct in our belief that Lord Brougham's statement in the Edinburgh Recite' respecting Lord Durham's advocacy of the twenty-pound franchise was a virtual......