25 MAY 1901, page 23

Some Books Of The Week.

[Undo this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been merged for review is other forms.] Th4 Church in Greater Britain. By G. Robert Wynne, D.D (Kegan Paul,......

Animals Of Africa.

Animals of Africa. By H. A. Bryden. (Sands and Co. 4s.)— This is a book for young people, and the second volume of the "Library for Young Naturalists" which Mr. Afialo is......

Among The Women Of The Sahara.

Among the Women of the Sahara. From the French of Mme. Jean Pommerol, by Mrs. Arthur Bell (N. D'Anvers) 90 Illus- trations. (Hurst and Bleckett. 12s. net.)—Mme. Jean Pommerol......

The Public School Word Book, By John S. Farmer. (hirschfeld

Brothers. 21s. net.)—This "historical glossary" of words, obsolete or in use, that make up the "slang" of public schools and-Universities is, we are told, "privately issued for......

The Inner Way : Sermons Of John Tauter. Edited By

A. W. Hutton, MA. (Methuen and Co. 2s.)—Here is another volume of "The Library of Devotion" to which serious objection may be made. The "Guide to Eternity" of Cardinal Bona......

Tennyson's In Memoriam. Edited, With Commentary, By...

B.D. (Cambridge University Press. 28. Gd.) —We can speak in very high terms of this volume. It gives us exactly what is wanted. The text is not overloaded with criticism or......

Old Highland Days : Reminiscences Of Dr. John Kennedy. (r

T.S. 6.s.)—Mr. Howard Angus Kennedy introduces his father's reminiscences and his own biographical chapters by what we may call a "fighting" preface. Dr. Kennedy was a fighting......