25 MARCH 1922, page 3

In The House Of Lords On Wednesday The Iriah Bill

was again in Committee. Lord Carson, referring to the criticism that ae a Law Lord he ought not to play an Active part in politics, said that if he had thought for one moment......

Lord Londonderry Moved An Amendment That The Terms Of...

to the Boundary Commission should be submitted for approval to both Houses of Parliament on an Address being presented to the Throne. He explained that his proposal was not a......

Sir Henry Wilson, Who Was Asked By The Ulster Premier

for' his advice in regard to the best way of restoring law and order in Northern Ireland, gave it in plain terms. The South and West, ho said, were " a welter of chaos and......

The Morning Post—which For Reasons That We Cannot Fathom Is

still the only London paper to give a full and accurate account of the anarchy in Ireland—has begun to publish daily articles on " Ulster's Frontier War," which deserve to be......

The Sinn Feiners During The Past Week Have Redoubled Their

murderous activities in Belfast, where many Protestant men and women have been shot dead in the streets or bombed in their houses, and there are, of course, the usual reprisals.......

Mr. Kellaway, The Postmaster-general, Said On Tuesday...

Office commercial accounts would show a deficit of £2,000,000 for the current year, but would yield a surplus of £9,000,000 in the coming year. He disputed the suggestion of the......

Other Recommendations—on Most Of Which The 10 Per Cent....

really depends—are that the charges should fall with the index figure of the cost of living ; that the extra mileage rate should be reduced ; that there should be reorganization......

The Report Of The Select Committee On The Telephone Service

was issued on Wednesday. It is a very valuable and most interesting document. It points out that there is " a universal antagonism—often unreasonable—to British telephone......

Mr. Do Valera, At Meetings In The South Of Ireland

last week, openly avowed his determination to defeat the Treaty, whether the Irish electors favoured it or not. He declared in so many words that his Republican followers would......

Mr. Amery Made A Statement On The Navy Estimates In

the House of Commons on Thursday, March 16th. He declared that before the Washington Conference the Admiralty could not recommend a reduction of more than £4,600,000. As the......

Bank Rate, 4} Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.

Feb. 16, 1922 ; 6 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, Jai ; Thursday week, 96i ; a year ago, n7........

Sinn Feiners Perpetrated Three More Brutal Murders In...

Thursday, March 16th. One gang entered a hospital where three Irish constables were lying ill and shot them in their beds. Two of the three were killed on the spot ; the third......