Military Gazette.
3femorandum —Royal Regt. of Artillery—Erratum in the " Gazette " of Feb. 17, 1854.—For First Lieut. J. Lawrence " Boulton" to be Second Captain, vice Fitz Roy, read—First Lieut.......
Naval Gazette.
ADACIZALTT, March 14.—Corps of Royal Marines—Lieut.-Col, D. M'Adam to be Col. Second Commandant, vice Giles, retired on full-pay ; Brevet Major S. Hawkins to be Lieut.-Col. vice......
Publications Received.
Booxs. The West Indies, before and since Slave Emancipation ; comprising the Windward and Leeward Islands' Military Command. Founded on Notes and Observations collected during a......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, March 21. Faye:manure DrasoLvma.—Patterson and Co. Liverpool, commission-merchants —31•Tear and Co. Liverpool, ship-brokers—Ainley and Whiteley. Huddersfield,......