No. 1838: Elsewhere, Otherwhen
You are invited to write a review of a production of a well-known play which has been eccentrically set in a time and place far from the author's intentions. Entries to......
Solution To 1162: Mind Them!
Unclued lights are words abbrevi- ated in Chambers to '13' (across) and `q' (down). First prize: Dr E. Wylde, Stowmar- ket, Suffolk; Runners-up: H. Tho- mas, Felixstowe,......
Children's corner Jaspistos IN COMPETITION NO. 1835 you were invited to write a poem for children begin- ning 'I wish I were a(n) . . Chesterton's triolet went: I wish I were a......
i j GRAHAM 'S PORT I CROSSWORD J W.& J . GRAHAM ' S PORT 1165: A load of tripe! by Doc A first prize of £25 and a bottle of Graham's Malvedos 1979 Vintage Port for the first......