Sortes Canningianae.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPBOTATOR.n Sm,—Almost immediately after reading your excellent article on " Awed by Rumour " I had occasion to refer to Mr. Canning's speeches, and......
Imperial Cadet Corps. [to Tip Editor Op The "spectator:1
have received the following letters from Lord Kitchener and Lord Derby on the importance of the Cadet Movement :— " War Office, Nov. 2, 1915. DEAR SIR Crtaarats......
Canning And Disraeli In Romance.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TILE SPIOTATOB..1 Sra,—I have been reading romances in which the personalities of Canning and Disraeli are depicted or shadowed forth. Can- ning is a prominent......
Shakespeare And The War.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPBCTATOR.1 SIE,—It has occurred to me, a constant reader of the Spectator, that the following lines of Shakespeare may excite interest at the present......
A Credit To Provincial Journalism.
[To Els EDITOR OP TEE " SPECTATOR."] Sre,—On all sides one hears complaints against the newspapers— often too well justified—for their oily optimism on the one hand, and their......