* * Mr. Belloc Was Never One To Deliver The
goods in a plain van. His writing has an individuality as strongly marked as (say) Sir Thomas Browne's. It is one of his chief merits that he never exploits that individuality ;......
* * * Several Good Books Have Been Written About
Dorset, especially in connexion with Thomas Hardy's novels. But there is plenty of room for Mr. J. H. Wade's compact and intelligently planned Ramble,: in Dorset (Methuen, 7s.......
Most People Find It Hard To Know What To Believe
about Russia. On both sides there is, to put it bluntly, hard lying. Those who have time and inclination to read everything that is printed either in favour of the Soviet system......
Some Books Of The Week
A VERY charming dedication predisposes the reader towards The People of the Leaves, by Vivian Meik (Philip Allan, 12s. 6d.). His hopes will not have been misplaced, for he will......
* *
King's College, London, has won a reputation for its public lectures, especially on social and politicial ideas, which are afterwards printed. Thus, it is no surprise to fmd......
In His Challenging And Somewhat Discursive Book, The...
Peace (New York : Macmillan, 5 dollars), Mr. Devere Allen, the well-known American pacifist, reviews the various peace movements of the last two centuries, especially in the......
* * " Big England's Mourning Is Local ; Little
Scotland's is national," is the reason Mr. Ian Hay gives for the fact that the countryside of England has been dotted with innumerable local war memorials, whereas the whole of......
Mr. Henry De Halsalle's Treasure Trove In Bookland...
10s. 6d.) is designed to make its readers collect books as an investment for monetary profit and contains many anecdotes of lucky fmds in the Caledonian Market and else- where.......