24 OCTOBER 1992, page 29

Unseasonable Wit

Sir: In past years Lloyd's cheques arrived with Names between April and early July (if they arrived at all) — a time when no game bird is in season. So what and where was that......

The Will Of The Living

Sir: Ludovic Kennedy mischievously implies in his article ('What would they have done?', 26 September) that support for euthanasia has come about mainly in the last 20 years,......

Sheer Ignorance

Sir: In his review of Julian Critchley's book (Books, 19 September), Alan Clark wrote: 'critical mass' — a nice analogy from physics (or is it astronomy?) for something that is......

Daily Doses

Sir: I was very interested to learn from the review of West Downs: A Portrait of an English Prep School (Books, 26 September) that the period spent at Stagenhoe Park from......

Knight In Error

Sir: Another interpretation of the Mrs Simpson aide memoire incident (`The uncivilised society', 3 October) is that she left it behind intentionally, in the belief that its......


Sir: Even if Victorian pianos never sported trousers (Letters, 5 September), all is not lost on the musical clothing front. Benen- den School's grand piano wears a green quilted......

Slow Reader, Fast Driver

Sir: This is in reference to Nigel Nicolson's Piece in your 1 August issue (I am a slow reader!). In it he speaks of his dream of owning an open-top Mercedes. 'But I would look......

Pissed Off

Sir: I followed Mary Killen's advice on how to deal with builders' merchants (Your problems solved, 10 October) and hope to be out of hospital quite soon. The brief conversation......