British Trade With South America.
At the recent meeting of the British-Bank of South America, the chairman,_Mr. R, J, Hose, cirew,attention, by no means for the first time; to the extent to which' British -......
Burmah Oil Profits.
One of the most cheerful features of the speculative markets during last week was the rise in The shares of Burmah Oil and Anglo-Persian, the former being -- affected: by the......
Indian Caanrr.
In the terms of theIndia Loan we have a very fair expression of the damage inflicted upon Indian credit by the follies of the Indian agitators, and, perhaps, also an expression......
' B.i.s.
Having regard to all -the circumstances of the case, I think the Bank of England has acted wisely in not making a public issue of the whole Cir any part of its holdings of......