Smoke Screen
From Dr Eileen Crofton Sir, In the issue of March 3, 1973, your correspondent has written a singularly unpleasant piece (' Smoke Screen ') about a pamph let issued by the......
Israel And The Arabs
Sir: Israeli leaders have from the very beginning of the conflict, back in 1948, offered the Arabs peace negotiations. This offer still stands. It is in the light of this fact......
Antony Gibbs Ltd.
Sir: I was horrified to read your article (Skinflint, March 10), concerning Mr Walton's complaint about our firm and I am sorry you did not discuss it with us first. Indeed, it......
Rowse And The Sonnets
Sir: Now that the showers of wit and derision which greeted Dr A. L. Rowse's latest proclamation on the subject of Shakespeare's Sonnets seem temporarily to have slackened, your......