Ponjola. By Cynthia Stockley. (hutchinson. 7s. 6d.)
Miss Cynthia Stockley is up to her usual form. There is a countess, widowed on her wedding day by the fatal pistol shot. Incognito, she paints in Paris—we see the studio. Enter......
Silas Braunton.*
Sonmen and tragic narratives of rural life in the Western Counties have become almost a commonplace of contem- porary literature. But though Mr. Whitham's new novel is such a......
A Fairy Story.t
IT is not often recognized how different the technique of the fairy-tale is from that of fiction in the modern sense. There is no proof offered in the fairy-tale : we are set to......
Nobody Knows. By Douglas Goldring. (chapman And Hall. 7s....
net.) Mr. Goldring insists that his young novelist-hero, who sees a vision of his ideal woman on the Thames Embank- ment, is an intellectual, that he has read Berenson and......
Finance-public & Private. [by Our City Editor.]
MARKETS AND LABOUR. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In spite of the fulminations of Mr. Philip Snowden and the terrors of Parliamentary discussions directed against the......
A Serious Novel.*
WE opened this book with the fear that its dedication to Anatole France might resolve itself into nothing more than an impertinence. Having read the book, we feel that to be......