24 FEBRUARY 1912, page 14

The Case Of Ulster.

[TO TEE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—The precedent of Geneva—which stood so long out- side the Swiss Confederation—might be followed by the three counties which object to......

Our Party Leaders.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In a letter received a few days ago from a friend who is a large employer of labour in the iron trade in the Birming- ham district the......


[TO THE ED/TOR OF SPECTATOR." J SIR,—In an evening paper for February 15th I found the following paragraph m— "During an inquest on a three-months-old baby at Lambeth the......

The Liberals And The Ulster Problem. Ere The Editor Of

THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—You ask, " What does the Liberal Party propose to do about Ulster ? " and suggest that no Homo Rule Bill can be proposed which will be acceptable to the......

The Economics Of Hell. [to The Editor Of The ”srxerares."1

SIR,—What your article points out in the Spectator of February 17th when reviewing Mr. Kauffman's "Daughter of Ishmael" is not confined to the "ponce." When residing some thirty......

Dr. Horton And Mr. Swift Macneill On Home Rule.

[TO THE EDITOR 0/f TH1 "Bractaroa."] Sin,—There is no need, I think, to question the sincerity of Dr. Horton's recent pronouncement on Home Rule, though it is certainly strange......