24 FEBRUARY 1900, page 2

The German Chancellor, Prince Hohenlohe, Made A Speech On...

in the Reichstag which will not facilitate alliance between Germany and France. There is a clause in the constitution of Alsace-Lorraine which enables the Stadt- holder in......

In Many Ways Sir William Harcourt's Speech Deserves The...

praise. Nothing could have been more honourable or more generous than the way in which he dealt with the personal innuendos against Mr. Chamberlain. In this respect his speech......

Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman Also Supported The Demand...

but he found considerable difficulty in both defending his own and Sir William Harcourt's action in allowing the inquiry to end in a fiasco, and also asking for a new inquiry......

Under All The Circumstances We Are Very Glad That The

pro- posed inquiry failed, for it was in essence a blow directed against Mr. Chamberlain personally,—an attempt to use Mr. Rhodes's offences to crush not the real culprit, but......

In The House Of Commons On Taesday Mr. D. A. - Thomas

moved for a fall inquiry into "the origin and circumstances of the conspiracy against the Transvaal Government and of the incursion into the South African Republic." Both his......

Hardly Any Fact In Foreign Politics Is More Certain Or

less explicable than the agitation caused, not only in Austria but in Germany, by any report that the Emperor Francis Joseph is seriously ill. It is not only fear for the loss......

Mr. Chamberlain Admitted That The Telegrams Which Mr....

to produce "did appear to imply the complicity of the Colonial Office," like those which were produced, but they were of no more value as evidence than the telegrams actually......

In Thursday's _times The Master Of Elibank (a Member Of

the Opposition) makes a very remarkable statement in regard to the alleged complicity of the Colonial Office in the Raid. He states that he knew Mr. Fairfield well, and that......

The Italian Premier, General Pelloux, Seems To Have...

give no quarter to the Maffia, the secret society, which in Naples and Sicily protects criminals, levies black- mail on all landlords and traders, and professes to protect the......