24 AUGUST 1996, page 20

Avoid Sneering

Sir: I read Michael Coveney's letter attack - ing Milton Shulman (10 August) with some concern. As a critic Michael Coveney is fluent, plausible and available, which makes him......

In The Scandinavian Interest

Sir: Frank Johnson writes (Leading article, 3 August) that Sir Peter Hall yearns 'for London as the capital of some Scandina- vian ... welfare autocracy'. Probably Sir Peter......

Sir: It Was Interesting To Learn (leading Article, 3 August)

that high-quality dramat- ic writing presupposes people living in card- board boxes. We must plead guilty to hav- ing missed that point in Scandinavia. Jakob Balling 3......


Power struggle Sir: Your leading article of 10 August is a very one-sided view of the history of this century. The late entry of America into the 1914-18 war was not to Europe's......

Essential Managements

Sir: Alexander Murray (Letters, 17 August), as an expert in the fascinating but largely irrelevant subject of mediaeval church history, betrays his prejudice. Management, it......

Mother Or Child

Sir: Stephen Glover (Media studies, 17 August) quotes Dr Scarisbrick's position, which he 'takes to be' the orthodox Catholic one, that abortion is permissible where the......