When Mr. Adlai Stevenson Became The Democratic Candidate...
in 1952, his former wife announced that she would vote Republican. This time Mrs. Stevenson, who before she married was Miss Ellen Borden, is not confining herself to such......
Political Commentary
By CHARLES CURRAN B EHIND the Suez talks, ' you can 'now hear in London the sound of many voices asking questions. The voices belong to politicians. At the moment, they are......
If I Want To Frighten Myself These Days I Read
not ghost stories, but books on public relations. The most recent to come my way is by Stanley Kelley Jun. on Professional Public Relations and Political Power, which Mr. S. E.......
The Suez Conference Has So Far Been Conducted In An
atmo- sphere of urbanity. There have been no scenes and few curt rejoinders. We are far indeed from the days when Clemenceau could tell the Rumanian Prime Minister to sit down......
A Spectator's Notebook
THE BBC's incorpe, we are told by the Committee of Public Accounts, is 'considerably in excess of its immediate needs.' This will presumably lead to a demand that a larger slice......
In A Letter To The Editor A Fortnight Ago, Mr.
Edmund Wilson protested 'against your capitalisation of the pronouns referring to Jesus in my letter' published in a previous issue. I do not know how far Mr. Wilson follows......