24 APRIL 1886, page 24

From Out The Silent Past. By Mrs. Herbert Martin. 2

vole. (Ward and Downey.)—This is one of the stories which turn on a change of identity, so to speak. The first part tells us of the marriage of a certain Dudley Wynn, to a......

An Historical Atlas. By Robert H. Labberton. (macmillan...

is no lack of historical atlases now-a-days, but the more the better, especially when, as in this case, they are clear, well selected, and to some extent novel. There is no more......

Lives Of Greek Statesmen. Second Series :...

Rev. Sir George W. Cox, Bart., M.A. (Longmans.)—This is the second instalment of an excellent little work, the first part of which was noticed in our columns last year. It may......

Her Success. By Annie Thomas. 3 Vole. (f. V. White

and Co.) —The " she " whose " success " is related in this story is an un- principled young woman who achieves the glory of marrying a worthless old nobleman, and meets a proper......

The Influence Of The Roman Law On The Late Of

England (Cam- bridge University Press) is an extremely interesting essay by Pro- fessor Scrutton, of University College, London, which gained the Yorke Prize in 1884. The......

Life And Speeches Of Joseph Cowen, M.p. By Evan Rowland

Jones. (Sampson Low and Co.)—Mr. Cowen is quite right in carefully preparing his speeches and addresses. If, however, we are asked, as Mr. Cowen and his admirers practically ask......