This Delightful Exhibition Reopened On Wednesday, With...
Mount St. Gothard, and the Interior of Rheims Cathedral; the former painted by Mons. DkOUERILE, the latter by Mons. Borrow. The view of Mount St. Gothard is taken from the town......
Hindu Figure.
A VERY curious and interesting specimen of Hindu sculpture has been brought to this country, and is exhibited at Earle's auction-rooms, 240, Re- gent Street, previously to being......
New Music.
Songs for Leisure Hours. The Poetry by W. WavroN, Esq. ; the Symphonies and Accompaniments composed and arranged, and four of the Airs harmonized, by H. R. BISHOP. Fifteen......
Mr. Slater's Drawings.
WE have been much gratified by an hour spent in Mr. SLATER'S Exhi- bition-room, in Newman Street, which is hung with a collection of his sketches in crayon and water-colour......
Fine Arts.
Ix our "Peeps at the Print-Shops," we observe a Portrait of the lately de- ceased Sir Edmund Nagle, which appears to be a faithful likeness ; also one of the Duke of Newcastle's......
Law Reforms And Abuses. No. 2.
ADDRESSED TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE ROBERT PEEL. INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT. Sta,—The Insolvent Debtors' Court, viewed in comparison with the other courts of judicature in this......